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Second annual Watermelon Festival was held this past June 2018 at the Clay county fairgrounds.
We took a ride out there from Fleming Island to check out the Watermelon Fest. There were about over 50 vendors welcoming visitors as they grinned and bear’d the summer heat.
The day was sunny – too hot to be out; but hey, it’s a festival, a watermelon celebration, so there had to be cold watermelon to munch on.
Immediately upon entering we ran to the air conditioning sanctuary (exhibit hall), then regrouped to thoroughly check out the outside vendors (poor guys).
The kids had fun as the above 90 degree weather didn’t phase them. They wanted to be everywhere: on the bounce house, at the petting zoo, riding horses, on the bungee trampoline, at the face painting tent, which we didn’t mind as it gave us another opportunity to be out from under the sun and not runningย around under that blazing sun.
Entrance fee was $5 per person with $1 off discount (you had to bring a canned food to receive discount – food was being donated).
Would we go again? Yes…but later in the day (like an hour from closing). Hopefully, they’ll be more vendors to pass the time as the kids go watermelon crazy.